Girls are Not Tomboys – They are Girls
According to Wikipedia: A tomboy is a girl who exhibits characteristics or behaviors considered typical of a boy, including wearing masculine clothing and engaging in games and activities that are physical in nature and are considered in many cultures to be “unfeminine” or the domain of boys. Just because there is a wikipedia entry, doesn’t mean we have to subscribe…
Yes. I noticed
I noticed how your eyes lit up when you saw that your stocking had been filled. I noticed the excitement when you saw that two of the cookies were gone and your confusion that one was still left. I noticed that you loved your Smarties just as much as your ride on vehicle. I noticed…
Lessons from My Bathtub
“Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going.” — Tennessee Williams ——————————- I was giving my daughter a bath last night when I noticed something amazing. She was playing with her submarine and doing absolutely nothing else. She wasn’t thinking about anything…
Make Music a Part of Every Day
As you go through life, you will experience so much. I wish that your life could be filled with only happy moments, but I know that this won’t be the case. In my life, I have used music to change my emotional state or to help me dig deeper into it. Listen to music that…
There are Places to Save Money. Your Haircut is Not One of Those Places
I’ve had a bad haircut. Wait. Correction: I’ve had a really, really bad haircut. I drove home crying and was hyperventilating by the time I walked in the door. My hair was cut way to short. Why? I was trying to save money and I thought that a good haircut was a luxury and I’d…