
  • Kids Don’t Grow Up Fast – They Just Grow Up

    Kids Don’t Grow Up Fast – They Just Grow Up

    Almost every parent has used the phrase “they grow up so fast!” I don’t think that’s true. You aren’t growing up fast. I think you are growing up just right. But here is the sad part: I’ll miss the little you. I once knew a five pound baby girl who loved to be held and…

  • The 5 Best Things You May Have Missed This Week

    The 5 Best Things You May Have Missed This Week

    Sixth-Grade Girls Create Prosthetic Hands for Kids in Need – Parenting Three Columbia, S.C., sixth-grade girls used their brilliant young minds to come up with a creative and charitable project: creating prosthetic hands for kids who need them by using a 3D printer.   My Child is “Weird” and That’s Okay – Oklahoma City Moms…

  • A Letter To My Daughter As An Old Woman

    A Letter To My Daughter As An Old Woman

    I had a thought yesterday that made me very sad. I’ll never know you as an old woman. My job as a mother is not to teach you to be an amazing kid, but to teach you to be an extraordinary adult. I want to guide you so that when you are an old woman,…

  • Why I Cry On the Last Day of School

    Why I Cry On the Last Day of School

    You just had your last day of school. I didn’t mean to do it, but I cried. I watched you stand up in front of the parents and perform and I was proud, but I didn’t cry. I watched you read about what you want to be when you grow up, but I didn’t cry.…

  • Hearts Don’t Break – They Bruise

    Hearts Don’t Break – They Bruise

    The day hasn’t come yet, but I know it will. One day your heart will ache…badly. Someone you trust will betray you or hurt you. And I can’t change that. I’m not here to stop you from getting hurt, although I wish I could carry that pain for you. What I can do is tell…

  • You Are Pretty….Pretty Smart!

    You Are Pretty….Pretty Smart!

    I think my daughter is beautiful, just like every other mother does. But if you tell her that she’s pretty, she will finish your sentence for you. Every. Single. Time. “You’re pretty.” “Pretty smart!” “You’re pretty.” “Pretty brave!” “You’re pretty.” “Pretty awesome!” Each of us is given different physical attributes that we are proud of.…

  • I Can’t Do It…Yet

    I Can’t Do It…Yet

    It’s always ok to say “I can’t do it” as long as you take the extra two seconds to complete the sentence. I can’t do it, yet. Everything that you can do today, you couldn’t do 6 years ago. You couldn’t talk. You couldn’t chew. You couldn’t read. You couldn’t tell funny jokes. You couldn’t dance.…

  • Be Kind to Everyone You Meet – Including Yourself

    Be Kind to Everyone You Meet – Including Yourself

    “One kind word can change someone’s entire day.”   It’s true. When you tell a friend that she looks beautiful, it makes her happy. When you tell a mother that her son has great manner, she beams. Small words of kindness can brighten almost anyone’s day, but I’m not talking about just anyone. I’m talking…

  • Let the Children Play…Alone

    Let the Children Play…Alone

    I’ve noticed a strange, and rather disturbing trend lately when I go to play areas with my daughter. The disturbing thing is called parents. I absolutely believe that parents should be watching their small kids to make sure that they don’t get hurt, but they are much too involved in directing their play. Last weekend…