What it Means to Love


It’s a word that is used in a number of ways.

I love ice cream.

I love grandma.

Same word. Very different meanings.

There are many things and people that you will come to love throughout your lifetime. Some you will love simply, like the feel of warm breeze coming off the ocean. Others will be so deep that your breath will catch when thinking about them, like the love of your child. Most types of love fall somewhere in the middle.

There is one type of love that isn’t talked about much, but I believe it is one of the most important: loving yourself.

Loving yourself shouldn’t be confused with being selfish. They don’t mean the same thing. Selfishness is the lack of consideration for others. Selfishness means being overly or excessively concerned with ones self.

When you are selfish, you put your own concerns above those of others.

When you are loving to yourself, you put your own concerns on par with those of others.

I want you to love yourself as much as you love anyone. Not less. Not more.

Take care of yourself just as fiercely as you would take care of a parent, child or family member. People will come in and out of your life and you will love many of them. But always remember that there is one person who will always be with you.


Be kind, not critical.

Be forgiving, not cruel.

Be patient, not demanding.

Be a nurse, a friend, a counselor, a coach, and a defender to yourself. Only say to yourself those things that you would say to your best friend.

Because you are.

Life can be hard, but it can be amazing too.

Cry with yourself.

Laugh with yourself.

Dance with yourself.

Praise yourself.

Be the best friend that you’ve ever had…and you’ll have a best friend forever.



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