Sixth-Grade Girls Create Prosthetic Hands for Kids in Need – Parenting
Three Columbia, S.C., sixth-grade girls used their brilliant young minds to come up with a creative and charitable project: creating prosthetic hands for kids who need them by using a 3D printer.
My Child is “Weird” and That’s Okay – Oklahoma City Moms Blog
My daughter can throw the fiercest fastball. She can wrestle with the boys, and she can give them a run for their money. She may choose to participate in an occasional dance class, but I guarantee that under her frilly pink tutu she has on a pair of boy’s Spiderman undies.
This 9-year Old’s Hobby? Building Shelters for the Homeless
While most 9-year old’s are playing house, this girl is building homes for the homeless.
Parents Give Their Daughter a History Lesson By Recreating Photos of Famous Heroines
When Brooklyn photographer Marc Bushelle and his wife Janine decided to teach their daughter Lily about famous African American women, they had her dress up as the historical figures for a series of photos. The Black Heroines Project has not only taught Lily about strong and courageous women, it has also gone viral and has been educational for others. “When people talk about black history, there is a list of names they rattle off. But we wanted to cover women that were not normally at the tip of people’s tongues,”
Darth Vader is for girls, too: the young fan who forced Disney to change toy labels
Upon exploring the UK Disney Store’s website with her mum, Rebecca, she was devastated to see that the outfit was listed as a “boys’ costume.” “Her face fell,” says Rebecca. Her eyes “filled with tears and she said, ‘I can’t have it, it says they’re only for boys.’”