Spring Does Not Arrive Easily, But It Always Arrives

Two weeks ago, I was playing outside with my daughter in the 70 degree weather.

Last week, we watched the snow fall.

And today, we listened to birds and chased ladybugs.

Spring does not arrive easily. It introduces itself in fits and spurts. It bravely says hello and then runs away to hide in the shadows for a bit longer.

We all know that it will eventually arrive, but why does it have to be so fickle?

We want to wake up on the first day of spring and dance around the yard like Snow White. We don’t want storm clouds or snow or bitter, bitter cold. But spring arrives on it’s own schedule. Many of the best things in life do.

It arrives when it is ready to arrive…and even then, it still may regress.

When my daughter asked me why spring was so crazy, I explained to her that in life, things often get better, then worse, then better, then worse. But eventually…one day…they stick.

Spring will take off its shoes and get comfortable. It will settle in for a nice long stay. The birds will build their nests, just like they do every year. The dull grass will paint itself green. The rabbits will quickly say hello before running off to destroy your garden.

It will happen. It will. But it could be bumpy for a little while, just like life.

One day we feel like we have our finances under control, and then a big medical bill arrives.

One day we feel like our marriage is so, so good, and then life happens and we start finding fault with everything from how the clothes are folded to the condition of the junk drawer.

One day we work out for sixty minutes feel like Wonder Woman and the next we are looking at the clock before the warmup is even over.

We progress. Then we regress.

It’s the rhythm of life. Two steps forward. One step back.

But spring will come. It always does. Go ahead and paint your toenails now. The storm is just about over.

It’s time to celebrate the silly season.


Photo by
Allef Vinicius

Tags: growthspring
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