Inspiring the Women of Tomorrow



The Hurt That Every Mother Knows

I was heading to bed the other night and went into your room first to kiss you goodnight, like I always do. And you were sound asleep...and absolutely perfect. I watched you for a while. I smiled. I remembered. I wished. I prayed. And I…

How to Treat the Elderly

As far as the earth goes, you are brand-spanking new. Your skin is tight and shiny. Your teeth are flawless. Your energy is boundless. And you will believe, for a very long time, that you will always be this way. Until you aren't. It may…

Don’t Be Quick to Judge

When other people make mistakes, it's very easy to jump to negative conclusions that generally center around, "what an idiot" "why would someone DO that" or "are you KIDDING me!" But we make mistakes, it normally comes from a place of "Uh-Oh" "Oh-No" or "I…