I Can’t Do It…Yet

It’s always ok to say “I can’t do it” as long as you take the extra two seconds to complete the sentence.

I can’t do it, yet.

Everything that you can do today, you couldn’t do 6 years ago. You couldn’t talk. You couldn’t chew. You couldn’t read. You couldn’t tell funny jokes. You couldn’t dance. You couldn’t do any of it….


The “yet” is where the magic lives. The “yet” is where the possibility sits and where dreams come alive. The “yet” is where “who you are” transforms into “who you’ll become.”

Don’t forget the yet.

In our house, it’s not acceptable to say “I can’t do it.” It’s just not. Some things are hard. Some things are VERY hard. Some things may even be impossible. But we won’t know that until we work towards the yet.

The amazing thing about yets is that you don’t know what all of them are…yet.

Will you be good at playing guitar?

Will you be a scientist?

Will you make the most amazing cupcakes ever created?

We don’t know. The answers are in the yet.

The tricky thing about the yet is that it’s not a simple place to get to. You can’t just call Uber and and have them drive you to yet. You can’t plug “yet” into Google Maps. There is no shortcut to yet.

But it’s out there. You just haven’t found it.



Image by Lily Monster

Sharon Suchoval:
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