Do What’s Right | Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Throughout your life, you will find yourself in situations where you can make a choice to do what’s right or do what’s easy.

Choose doing the right thing as often as possible.

Choosing what’s right can be small:

  • Holding the door open for the mom with the stroller
  • Letting the cashier know that she gave you too much change
  • Telling the truth when you spill something on the couch
  • Checking the tags on the stray dog and helping to find her home

Choosing what’s right can also be huge:

  • Standing up for a friend when everyone is picking on them
  • Letting someone speak their mind, even if you don’t agree with it
  • Fighting for someone’s rights, because they are being wronged

As we approach Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I want you to know the importance of being good in all things that you do. He fought, peacefully, for the rights of African Americans, yes, but for also the rights of all human beings. When we put one group of people inside of box and treat them differently, it hurts everyone.

When you have something to say, say it politely, but adamantly. Defend people who need defending. Be kind when kindness is desperately needed.

Be honest.

Be good.

Be helpful.

Do the right thing when the right thing is hard to do. You will never regret doing the right thing, but doing the wrong thing may haunt you forever.


My book suggestions on equality and kindness:



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