Category: Health & Wellness

  • Hearts Don’t Break – They Bruise

    Hearts Don’t Break – They Bruise

    The day hasn’t come yet, but I know it will.

    One day your heart will ache…badly. Someone you trust will betray you or hurt you.

    And I can’t change that.

    I’m not here to stop you from getting hurt, although I wish I could carry that pain for you. What I can do is tell you from (very extensive) experience the one thing that nobody else will tell you:

    My heart has never, ever been broken.

    And neither will yours.

    But it will probably feel like it.

    Hearts can get hurt in many ways. Friends may talk behind your back. Crushes may not reciprocate. Someone who told you they love you, may change their mind. Someone you love will come to the end of their time on earth.

    Each of these things will hurt so badly that you will think that you can’t possibly recover. Your heart will hurt so badly that you won’t believe me when I tell you that it isn’t broken…but it isn’t.

    As long as you are standing and breathing and loving…your heart is NOT broken.

    It is bruised. Sometimes you get a small bruise and it goes away so quickly, you can’t even remember where it was.

    Other times, a bruise is huge. It’s ugly and painful and you don’t want to leave the house. You get scared and angry and feel like you are going to die.

    I’ve been there. It hurts.

    But it will get better. Your heart will not break.

    It may crack though. Sometimes the cracks never heal. Sometimes the cracks hurt a little bit when you touch them. Over time, you will learn not to touch them so much, but you know they are there and how to avoid touching them.

    Some cracks are deep. You try to pick up the pieces and glue them back together as best you can. You are a little bit damaged…a little bit sensitive. You are different than you were before.

    But you are not broken.

    You are bruised…never broken.


    Image by bored-now

  • Be Kind to Everyone You Meet – Including Yourself

    Be Kind to Everyone You Meet – Including Yourself

    “One kind word can change someone’s entire day.”


    It’s true.

    When you tell a friend that she looks beautiful, it makes her happy.

    When you tell a mother that her son has great manner, she beams.

    Small words of kindness can brighten almost anyone’s day, but I’m not talking about just anyone.

    I’m talking about you.

    If you are being kind to others and being hard on yourself, are you truly a kind person?

    No matter where you go in life, you will never be alone. You will have your self-talk to keep you company. Be kind to yourself…because I love you.

    Don’t be harsh when you gain a few pounds or get a D on a test or messed up a project. Talk to yourself the exact same way that you would talk to a friend.

    If your best friend did badly on a test, would you tell her that she’s stupid? Of course not. You would tell her that she tried really hard and that she can work hard to get her grade back up. You would lift her up, not tear her down. If you tore her down, you wouldn’t be friends for very long.

    But you can’t stop being friends with yourself. You are stuck with you…no matter what.

    So please, be kind.

    You will make mistakes…some really bad ones, I’m sure. And that’s ok. Be your own cheerleader. Acknowledge your mistakes, fix them and move on.

    Be as kind to yourself as you are to others. You deserve that.

    Everyone does.