Category: Life

  • 33 Simple Ways to Live an Extraordinary Life

    33 Simple Ways to Live an Extraordinary Life

    Listen to music when you are happy. Listen to music when you are sad. Listen to music when you are angry. Listen to music when you are grateful.

    Always say I love you when you mean it. Never say it when you don’t.

    Spend money on experiences rather than things. Memories last forever.

    Sleep with the windows open whenever possible.

    Get a Sonicare and go to the dentist every 6 months. You only get one set of permanent teeth. Take care of them.

    Always bring a jacket on a plane and to the movie theater.

    Fight off energy vampires. They will drain you of your creativity and zest for life.

    Shop the perimeter of the grocery store.

    Treat the CEO and the person who cleans her office the same, because they are.

    Sometimes a road trip is better than an elaborate vacation.

    Nothing tastes better than ice cream on a hot day.

    Be kind whenever possible and forgive yourself when you forget this one.

    Get a dog. They are a lot of work. Get one anyway.

    Keep a gratitude journal and look back at it to be reminded of all of your blessings.

    Eat a lot of strawberries when they are in season.

    Buy a quality mattress and pillow. You spend one third of your life in bed. It’s worth it.

    Live in a city that makes you feel alive.

    There is no such thing as “Guilty Pleasure” music. Love what you love. No guilt needed.

    Never stop reading.

    The goal isn’t always to get the answer. Sometimes the goal is just to ask great questions.

    Laugh. About big things and small things. Laughter is often the answer.

    Treat yourself as well as you would treat your best friend. Be kind to yourself.

    Roll the windows down. Turn the music up.

    Dance…publicly and privately.

    Don’t judge others. You don’t know their story, even if you think you do.

    The best prayer is “thank you.”

    It takes a strong person to say, “I need help.”

    Eat dark chocolate.

    Visit London.

    Wear sunscreen on your face every day.

    Do something with your photos. Don’t just leave them in your phone.

    Write thank you notes.

    Be true to that one piece of perfect that lives inside of you. Let your gift shine.


    Image by

  • 9 Ways to Help Others Shine

    9 Ways to Help Others Shine

    The life stage that we perform on is not a one-woman show. We all have parts to play and the better we support each other, the better life will be for everyone.

    There is an unlimited amount of joy that can be spread around. Lifting one person up, doesn’t bring another one down.

    Here are nine simple ways to make other people shine.

    1. When you see someone who is having a rough day, give them a small compliment. They may desperately need it.
    2. Give 110% when you go to work. When you make your boss look good, you also make yourself look good.
    3. If you receive good service, tell the manager.
    4. Praise publicly.
    5. If someone makes a mistake, but they honestly tried, don’t beat them up over. Chances are they have already done that to themselves. Compliment them on their effort.
    6. Ask people questions about things they are interested in, even if you know nothing about them. They will feel acknowledged and you will learn something new.
    7. Choose one friend each day and send them a note about why they mean so much to you. It’s very easy to take our friends for granted and it’s rare to every let them know their importance.
    8. If a friend has a special talent, recommend them to someone who could use their skills.
    9. Tell someone that you think they are a good friend, a good mom, a good teacher, or a good person.

    Lifting people up feels good and it is deeply meaningful.

    It only takes a few moments to make someone shine brightly today.


    Image: Martin Fisch


  • Don’t Touch the Hotel Remote

    Don’t Touch the Hotel Remote

    When traveling, it’s nice to curl up in bed at the end of a long day and unwind while watching some television. But I never, ever, ever touch the remote.


    Studies have shown that the remote control is the dirtiest thing in the room and includes all kinds of bacteria since many people will use the restroom, not wash their hands, and then grab the remote.

    I have a trick that I do every time and I recommend that you do the same.

    Step 1: Find the ice bucket

    Step 2: Look inside. There is almost always a clear plastic bag in there

    Step 3: Put it over the remote and drop it in without ever touching it

    Step 4: Click away!

    I have been using this trick for over ten years and I recommend it to everyone.

    Happy travels!



  • Do What’s Right | Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Do What’s Right | Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Throughout your life, you will find yourself in situations where you can make a choice to do what’s right or do what’s easy.

    Choose doing the right thing as often as possible.

    Choosing what’s right can be small:

    • Holding the door open for the mom with the stroller
    • Letting the cashier know that she gave you too much change
    • Telling the truth when you spill something on the couch
    • Checking the tags on the stray dog and helping to find her home

    Choosing what’s right can also be huge:

    • Standing up for a friend when everyone is picking on them
    • Letting someone speak their mind, even if you don’t agree with it
    • Fighting for someone’s rights, because they are being wronged

    As we approach Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I want you to know the importance of being good in all things that you do. He fought, peacefully, for the rights of African Americans, yes, but for also the rights of all human beings. When we put one group of people inside of box and treat them differently, it hurts everyone.

    When you have something to say, say it politely, but adamantly. Defend people who need defending. Be kind when kindness is desperately needed.

    Be honest.

    Be good.

    Be helpful.

    Do the right thing when the right thing is hard to do. You will never regret doing the right thing, but doing the wrong thing may haunt you forever.


    My book suggestions on equality and kindness:

  • New Year, New Yearly Theme

    New Year, New Yearly Theme

    At the start of each year, I choose a word that I want to define it.

    Last year that word was “Learn.”

    I read 130 books covering dozens of different genres. I read over 50 blogs. I listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts. I spent every spare minute that I had learning. And learn I did.

    It’s a new year so I have chosen a new theme: “work.”

    I haven’t stopped reading entirely, but I have have slowed down dramatically. I’ve also changed the focus of my reading. Instead of reading a variety of books, I am focusing on business and self improvement. Whatever I read needs to provide actionable ideas that I can incorporate into my theme of “work.”

    I like the idea of a theme rather than making resolutions. A theme can wrap around everything you do like a cozy blanket. You can incorporate it into your hobbies, your work, and your vacations.

    Think of what you want your life to look like one year from now and choose a theme that will help you get there. Here are some ideas:

    • Play
    • Give
    • Rest
    • Health
    • Relationships
    • Travel
    • Laugh
    • Calm
    • Simple
    • Music

    I’m sure there are many more words, but those can get you started. Wrapping a theme around your year can give you a wonderful sense of purpose and accomplishment. It’s much easier to make decisions because you constantly ask yourself if they fit within your theme.

    Decide what you want life to look like. Choose your theme. And go live your best life!


    Image: Caroline

  • The One Thing to Do Before You Pack Up Your Christmas Decorations

    The One Thing to Do Before You Pack Up Your Christmas Decorations

    The holiday season is over and decorations are coming down. When we do this, we usually talk about how much fun we had and we reflect on the meaning of our ornaments as we take them off the tree. Special Christmas cards are dated and stored in a box, cookie tins are packed away and the stockings come off the fireplace.

    But we don’t put the stockings away just yet.

    Every year, we sit down at the table with a small piece of paper and write down one thing that we want to achieve by next year and we slip it into each of our stockings. Then we pack up the stockings and store the decorations until next year.

    This one small tradition gives us a reminder that we have one year to turn a dream into a reality. Putting the note in our stocking is providing us with an endpoint.

    Next year, when we pull out the decorations, we will notice that there is something in our stockings and pull out the notes. This gives us a chance to talk about our year and how far we’ve come and shows us that we can make our dreams come true year round.


    Image: :Salihan

  • Resolutions Don’t Work, But This Does

    Resolutions Don’t Work, But This Does

    When the clock strikes midnight, a new year begins. It’s an amazing feeling to have a shiny new year laid out in front of you. The year is a clean slate, so it feels as if you can conquer the world.

    And you can. You absolutely can.

    But not with resolutions.

    When you make a resolution, you are making an absolute decision to do or not do something. You are making a vow to be perfect for the next 365 days. There is no room for error with resolutions. You either do it or you don’t. No mistakes allowed.

    Don’t do that to yourself. The world isn’t black or white. It is gray…and red…and electric orange.


    That’s how many hours you have this year to work with. Rather than making resolutions, set goals. Rather than vowing to do something, make a plan.

    When you set a goal, you are saying that, by the end of the year you will accomplish something. Some days will be fantastic and some will be awful, but each day you will be making progress toward your goal.

    Goals are about progressGoals leave room for life to happen. If you have a rough week, it’s ok because you can make it up next week. If you are feeling motivated, you can make a big leap.

    Resolutions are about perfection. Goals are about progress.

    “Resolutions are about perfection. Goals are about progress.” (tweet this)


    In the book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, habit two is “start with the end in mind.” First determine where you want to be in one year, then go backwards to determine how to get there. *

    Last year I set a goal of reading 120 books. That was the endpoint. In order to accomplish that, I broke it down into achievable pieces:

    120 books a year = 10 books a month = 2-3 books per week

    Each week, I would make sure that I was reading 2-3 books and my goal was easily met.

    You can achieve anything. You really can. Every day and every hour you are given is a chance to get closer to your dreams.

    Use that time wisely, but don’t live in black and white. Set your goals and then see your life for what it really can be…in all its vivid color!


    Image: Susana Fernandez

    * This post contains an Amazon affiliate link. If you click on it, I will receive a small bit of income.



  • Expand Your Greatness Outward

    Expand Your Greatness Outward

    The term “ego” is often used when referring to someone who is self-centered or self-focused. There is, however, a different way of looking at it.

    The ego represents the self and how you distinguish yourself from other people. All of us are distinct and all of us have unique talents. I prefer to think of ego as “Expanding Greatness Outward.”

    Your talents are a gift. Don’t hide them. Don’t minimize them.

    Celebrate the abilities that you have been given by sharing them with others.


    If you write, write regularly so others can learn from you.

    If you are joyful, pick other people up when they are sad or lonely.

    If you are good at finances, help those who aren’t.

    If you know something that someone else doesn’t, tell them. Don’t squander your knowledge.

    And don’t ever, ever, ever hide your abilities.

    Discover what makes you unique and sprinkle a little bit of it everywhere you go. Honor your talents by sharing them with others.

    Expand your greatness outward.

  • Give Privately

    Give Privately

    When people need help, help them whenever you can. If a friend is going through a hard time, give them a hand up. Give to your church, your neighbors, your friends, and to people worlds away whom you’ve never met.

    Whether you give big or give small, there is one secret that I want to share about giving: keep it private.


    Because giving is something you do to help someone who needs it. The reward is the joy that THEY receive, not the recognition that YOU receive. Giving is the reward.

    Send money to a friend dealing with a health issue….and don’t tell anyone that you did it.

    Buy breakfast for the homeless man you see on the way to work every day…and don’t tell your co-workers.

    You’ll notice that it feels different when you give without receiving external validation. It’s like a little secret between you and the recipient. A happy secret.

    Be the kind of person who helps when you see a need. Help because it’s who you are, not because of what you get.

    Give regularly.

    Give thoughtfully.



  • Let the Ripple Reflect the Rock

    Let the Ripple Reflect the Rock

    The world is an imperfect place. I can assure you, without a doubt, that things will often not go your way. You will hit every red light when you are running late. Christmas dinner will be burnt. Someone will lie to you. You will oversleep.

    When things go wrong, remember to let the ripple reflect the rock.

    When you toss rocks into a pond, the water responds to the size of the rock. Perfectly. Every time. If you throw a huge rock, the ripples will go on for a long time, but if you throw a pebble in, it’s barely a blip.

    When the dog has an accident on the wood floors, just clean it up and move on. Screaming about it really isn’t going to change anything. It’s an easy fix and the dog is completely over it by the time you’ve made the discovery. Fix it and be done. Let the ripple reflect the rock.

    Small things will happen to you every day. Respond to them and get on with it. It’s not natural to let a small frustration continue to make ripples for hours afterward. It’s not how nature works.

    Bad things do happen, but most things are just not bad enough for the huge ripples you are creating in your life.

    You create those ripples, not nature.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are times when the ripples will be huge. When you see injustice, toss in a big rock. When someone you love is hurting, the ripples will linger.

    Make small waves and big ones. Just make sure that the ripples actually reflect the rock

    Image by cotaro70s