Inspiring the Women of Tomorrow



9 Ways to Help Others Shine

The life stage that we perform on is not a one-woman show. We all have parts to play and the better we support each other, the better life will be for everyone. There is an unlimited amount of joy that can be spread around. Lifting…

Don’t Touch the Hotel Remote

When traveling, it's nice to curl up in bed at the end of a long day and unwind while watching some television. But I never, ever, ever touch the remote. Ever. Studies have shown that the remote control is the dirtiest thing in the room…

New Year, New Yearly Theme

At the start of each year, I choose a word that I want to define it. Last year that word was "Learn." I read 130 books covering dozens of different genres. I read over 50 blogs. I listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts. I…

Expand Your Greatness Outward

The term "ego" is often used when referring to someone who is self-centered or self-focused. There is, however, a different way of looking at it. The ego represents the self and how you distinguish yourself from other people. All of us are distinct and all…

Give Privately

When people need help, help them whenever you can. If a friend is going through a hard time, give them a hand up. Give to your church, your neighbors, your friends, and to people worlds away whom you've never met. Whether you give big or…
Let the Ripples Reflect the Rock

Let the Ripple Reflect the Rock

The world is an imperfect place. I can assure you, without a doubt, that things will often not go your way. You will hit every red light when you are running late. Christmas dinner will be burnt. Someone will lie to you. You will oversleep.…