Inspiring the Women of Tomorrow


Holidays & Special Occasions

Choose Peaceful

The holiday season is in full swing and many people are buckling under the pressure. Too many invites. Too much shopping. Too much baking. Too much of everything. It doesn't have to be this way, and quite honestly, it shouldn't be. At all. I encourage…
ornament on tree

Decluttering Christmas

The holidays are behind us and the decluttering is well underway. Each year, when it's time to take down the decorations, we go to the basement and bring up all of the bins, put the decorations back in them and store them away. But there…

New Year, New Yearly Theme

At the start of each year, I choose a word that I want to define it. Last year that word was "Learn." I read 130 books covering dozens of different genres. I read over 50 blogs. I listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts. I…
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