
woman holding smiling emoji balloon

Have a Fun Day

As I pulled up to the drive-thru window of Starbucks the other day, the employee handed me my drink and said, “Have a fun day!” She didn’t say “have a nice day or “have a good day. She changed one small word and lifted my mood instantly. We are each given 365 days a year. […]

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woman standing in sedona redrock mountains

Take the Picture

Last week, my family went on a trip to Sedona, Arizona. If you’ve never been there, it’s spectacular. As you drive north from Phoenix, the red rocks pop up on the horizon and demand your attention. They are breathtaking. The hotel we stayed at offered spectacular views of Sugarloaf Mountain. I drank them in every

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You are Enough

In a world where you can be anything you want, I hope that you realize that whatever you choose to become or whatever the world allows you to become…you are enough. Society has created benchmarks where we can check in to see how are we are measuring up. Do you have the right job title?

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936 Weekends

From the moment a baby is born, the countdown begins. You are given the gift of 936 weekends with your child before they turn 18. 936. At first glance, it sounds like a lot. That’s almost 1,000 weekends. Multiply it by two and you have 1,872 weekend days. But ask any parent whose child has

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