
  • The View from the Hospital Parking Lot

    The View from the Hospital Parking Lot

    Last weekend was a little rough for me, so I went for a drive to spend some time alone, listening to music and communing with nature. At the end of my drive, instead of turning left to head towards my house, I took a right to go towards the hospital. I parked by the front…

  • Your Body is the Paintbrush, Not the Painting

    Your Body is the Paintbrush, Not the Painting

    I first heard this on Momastery and it really stuck with me. It’s easy to go through life focusing on all of the things that are “wrong” with your body and women’s magazines will certainly stand by your side and make you feel bad about yourself: Your legs are too short. Your butt is too…

  • Adults Don’t Pay Attention to What They Can Actually Do

    Adults Don’t Pay Attention to What They Can Actually Do

    Last night, I was putting my daughter to bed and she was tucked in tightly deep inside a nest of stuffed animals. She looked blissful, so I asked her a simple question, “Why do you think kids sleep with lots of cozy stuffed animals, but adults don’t.” And her answer was deep. “Because they don’t…

  • Hooray for the Weird Ones

    Hooray for the Weird Ones

    “You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret: All the best people are.” – Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland In a world where it’s easy to just fall in line and be like everyone else, I’d like to take a moment to celebrate the weird ones. You know who you are. I raise a…

  • Spring Does Not Arrive Easily, But It Always Arrives

    Spring Does Not Arrive Easily, But It Always Arrives

    Two weeks ago, I was playing outside with my daughter in the 70 degree weather. Last week, we watched the snow fall. And today, we listened to birds and chased ladybugs. Spring does not arrive easily. It introduces itself in fits and spurts. It bravely says hello and then runs away to hide in the…

  • Start with Yes

    Start with Yes

    Life can get boring very quickly if you let it. Routines wiggle their way into your life and before you know it, your daily groove has dug itself into a trench. And there you are. Stuck in the mud. Why Start with Yes? An easy way to start filling that trench is to start with…

  • Choose Peaceful

    Choose Peaceful

    The holiday season is in full swing and many people are buckling under the pressure. Too many invites. Too much shopping. Too much baking. Too much of everything. It doesn’t have to be this way, and quite honestly, it shouldn’t be. At all. I encourage you to choose differently this year. Choose not to spend…

  • Be Passionately Curious

    Be Passionately Curious

    Every great discovery begins with one question: Why? One word. Three letters. It changes everything. For children, everything in the world is fresh, new and interesting. But as we grow up, we slowly begin to accept things as they are simply because that’s the way they’ve always been. And we stagnate. And get bored. And…

  • Don’t Dim Your Light. Shine On.

    Don’t Dim Your Light. Shine On.

    You have a light inside of you that shines so brightly that it makes me catch my breath. There are times that you are very aware of your light and you hold it high like a beacon for everyone to see. You stand tall and you just shine. Other times, you try to cover it…