1% Better Every Day

I recently injured my knee and needed to have my ACL repaired. Starting physical therapy and re-learning how to walk is humbling, but the patients at the physical therapy center are so inspiring.

All the therapists at the center wear t-shirts that say “1% better every day.” And I’ve learned that this is a good mantra, not just for physical therapy, but for most things in life.

Right now, you are working towards something. It could be a degree, a promotion, a new business, a better relationship, saving for a big vacation, or even processing grief. Nothing happens overnight. The only thing that will get you to your goal is consistency. Get up every day. Do the thing. And get 1% better every day.

When I first met my husband, he was very dedicated to his workouts. 3-4 times a week, he would lift weights, without fail. Now, we have a 16 year old and he still works out 3-4 times a week. He’s as fit and healthy today as he was when we first met. He doesn’t work out because he wants to or even needs to. He works out because it’s who he is. For as long as I’ve known him, he’s honored his commitment to be 1% better every day.

1% + 1% + 1% times 365 days a year is a LOT of progress. Eating 1% better today than you did yesterday, means that you will be over 300% better by the end of the year. Improving your business by 1% every day, will mean exponential growth by the end of the year.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

How do you become the person you want to be? 1% at a time.

1% is barely noticeable. Until it compounds. In one month, you will look back and be shocked by your progress. But only if you commit.

I hope you will. I hope that you will wake up tomorrow with a plan to be 1% better. And then do it again. And again.

I can’t wait to see who you will be at this time next year. Go get it.

Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

Sharon Suchoval:
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